#s: loki
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also. not only does loki become even more unrecognisable in series 2 (because now they're not only fucking up his mannerisms and characterisation, but they've abandoned the thematic / philosophical questions about his character too)... in those middle episodes he didn't even feel like he needed to be there. and quite frankly, TH was like... audibly bored. and i really can't blame him. there's just nothing to work with there.
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[Belial and R/n are drinking Jotunnheim mead (this is before R/n revealed herself as a frost giant she told Belial it was from Iceland.), The mead packs one hell of a punch! Belial was still on his first glass and was already very tipsy when he decides to open up to her a bit.]
Belial, leaning on R/n: I...I don't enjoy hurting people. I… *sighs* I don't enjoy it. I do it because I have to, because I've had to.
R/n, she looks at him inquisitively: Okay, explain that to me.
Belial: Because it's part of the illusion. It's the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak *gestures at himself* to inspire fear.
R/n: A desperate play for control. You do know yourself.
Belial, somberly: Being bad was the only way for anyone to finally notice me...*passes out on R/n's shoulder.*
[R/n gently repositioned Belial so he was lying down with his head in her lap.]
R/n, petting his head: You don't need to be bad for me to notice, Y'know...
#S: Loki#ultraman incorrect quotes#tokusatsu incorrect quotes#tokusatsu#ultraman#ultra series#spark doll au#ultraman belial#ultraman Belial x reader#frost giant! reader
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Hello, can do resquest, Poseidon, Hades, Loki and Thor x Valkyrie reader, who is the mother of all Valkyries, This is what it looks like, https://es.pinterest.com/pin/890657263798502008/
❥· Nurture vs. Nature, Multi-RoR × F! S/O
Characters: Poseidon (🔱), Hades (💀), Loki (🐍), and Thor (🌩️) A/N: This is another favorite of mine. I love this thing so much, and I hope you like it as well, @zinnia1506! ✎ Summary: After the loss of your adoptive son, Zerofuku, you made your thirteen daughters, whom were named after your title of the 13 Valkyrie Sisters. But, after the setting of Ragnarok, your relationship molds over with hatred with your oldest.
Looking at the sky with an empty expression, you took each breath in slowly. You felt empty, incomplete, someone would say. But, in reality, you felt normal. This was your normal.
Each cloud moved by with each passing second. While other Gods and Goddesses would see this as useless, this was the only thing you wanted to do for your pass-time. It was quiet, peaceful.
Small footsteps behind you made your eyes open, there, standing behind you, was the young God you were in charge of watching. "Zero. Do show me, how would you draw that flower?" You asked. The young, child-like god, smiled and grabbed some nearby flowers, using them like crayons on the paper you summoned for him.
"This is how you do it, Lady Valkyrie!" He joyfully said. You watched as he used the flowers to color the pink petals, before searching for a green item for the stem and leaves. As he ran around, your eyes shimmered. For some reason, being around Zerofuku made your life feel more welcoming, open even.
Before you knew it, Zerofuku handed you the paper. You took it in your hands gently and looked over his work. Every detail was there, which surprised you. The way he highlighted the sun's rays hitting the petals to the shadows cast in opposition made your eyes widen slightly.
You breathed out and smiled gently, though it was covered by your mask. Zeroufku felt your mood lighten and he began to shake in happiness himself. "Do you like it?" He asked. "Of course. You did a wondrous job on it, child."
"Thank you!" He replied. "Would you like it back? I'm sure it would be a lovely addition in your home." You said. Zerofuku looked at you and shook his head, pushing the drawing back into your chest. "No. Go ahead and keep it! Besides, you seem to like it more than I do!"
That was when you knew it. You wanted to feel this all the time. So, you began babysitting Zerofuku more and more. But, you regretted the one day you didn't. That was the day he went to Earth and never returned.
Tears fell from your eyes as you sobbed at the same spot as you were that day. You never wanted this feeling again... you needed to find a way around this...
🔱 You looked at the aquatic animals swimming around. The blow-fish looked at your finger, following it as you lightly drug it across the glass keeping you separated. Poseidon observed you from behind, his trident on the ground as you observed the fish.
🔱 Poseidon sighed internally and walked up to you, and, once you heard the sound of his weapon, your branch-shaped hair moved slightly, much like the ears of an animal. You turned around and looked into the blue eyes of your husband.
🔱 "What did Zeus do this time?" You asked. He shook his head, "This was not Zeus' doing. Rather, it was your oldest, Brunhilde's." You froze, eyebrows furrowing as you questioned what he meant. After all, Brunhilde didn't speak out against the Gods that often. It was always with you when she did it.
🔱 "She declared Ragnarok. Zeus accepted and is currently scrolling through the nominees for the Gods' Team." He replied, eyes watching the octopus Göll, your youngest, affectionately named Ink. "She opposed the Gods and is fighting for Humanity, isn't she?"
🔱 "Yes." He said. Your eyes went to the floor. This was not something you wanted to happen. For years, you raised those girls to help the Gods. NOT help the humans. The humans that tore your once-beloved son from you.
🔱 "I would like to fight." Poseidon's eyes widened slightly, looking down at you with his grip tightening on his trident. "No. I will not allow it."
🔱 "Poseidon, it is my choice. I'm not fighting for the honor of the others, but for the honor of my son." You said, eyes darkening in anger. "Zeus already asked me to fight in Ragnarok. I will be taking your place. No matter the outcome, the girls will need you. Our boys will need you." He said, motioning to your five sons, Polyphemus, Triton, Orion, Theseus, and Aeolus, running around happily, unaware of the chat between their parents.
🔱 You looked back to the ground, sorrow filling your form. In the action of making your thirteen daughters out of enchanted clay, you wanted to feel the love you felt for Zerofuku, but, Brunhilde threw that away. Like a rag used up.
🔱 Just as Poseidon began walking away to grab your sons to bring inside, you grabbed his loincloth-like fabric around his waist and said, "Please. Just, don't hurt any of the girls." He looked into your eyes, blue into blue, and blinked.
🔱 "Alright." He said, leaning in and kissing your head, in a way to comfort you in this mind-racing time. "The boys and I will be inside soon."
💀 Your husband sat beside you in your bedroom. Tears were falling from your eyes silently. That day was horrible. You declared you weren't going to speak to your daughters until Ragnarok was over, saying you needed time to even out your situation during the battle. Hades, your husband, patted your back through everything.
💀 A letter had been delivered by Hermes to you from Brunhilde. In this letter, she declared she, and her sisters -- your other daughters -- would be performing Völundr with their assigned human fighters. You were in distress, you already lost your son, how could you lose your daughters too?!
💀 Hades leaned his head on yours, silently helping you. He could hear the first round of Ragnarok playing in the background on your holographic-television. It was when it was over, that you both heard the announcement of Lü Bu, the first human fighter, dying.
💀 The God of the Underworld's eyes widened in surprise, not at the fact that the human died, but at the fact that one of his step-daughters, that he loved just as much as you did, sacrificed herself for humanity. Were they really that amazing?
💀 "No... Randgriz... my baby..." You sobbed harder now, tears falling heavily as your hands covered your eyes. Hades' eyes began to water now. Randgriz was one of his favorite step-daughters. He loved the light and love she brought to the Underworld, to his life, and the way that she cared for everyone, no exceptions.
💀 A knock on the door alerted you, but, you made no effort to move. Hades, who wasn't crying nearly as hard as you were, stood up and answered. "Who is it?" He asked.
💀 "Papa?" A little voice said. Looking down, there stood your youngest child, Zagreus. He looked up with tears threatening to fall down his cheeks. "Is Randgriz okay?"
💀 You ran up to Zagreus, and enveloped him in a hug. Zagreus, who was surprisingly smart for a child of his age, hugged you back, understanding what was happening now.
💀 Hades frowned and kneeled in front of your both, wrapped his arms around you two and began to cry. Your sniffs pained him, as did his son's. You made those girls to help with your emotions, to keep your happiness around. Yet, you neglected the thought of losing them like how you did Zerofuku. You protected them for years, and, despite all your effort, you were losing them all over again.
🐍 Loki knew your daughters well. He was around, what a human would say 20s, in age when they were sculpted by your hands by enchanted clay. You asked if he could watch over them for years when you were busy, and he did so pretty well. Sometimes, it felt like your daughters were babysitting him though.
🐍 You observed as Loki played with your three children, your daughter, Hel, and your two sons, Fenrir and Jörmungandr. Loki danced around them, Fenrir shapeshifted into his single form; a large wolf, while your other son became his only form; a large serpent. Hel just wrapped her arms around her father's neck as he flew around, playing tag with them.
🐍 "Come on, Dad! You're going to high up!" Fenrir called. Loki merely laughed and told them to try harder in catching him. Jörmungandr looked at you and silently asked for help. You smiled gently and called for your husband, making him freeze and call back to you.
🐍 Just then, your sons tackled Loki, making him yell and fall down to the ground. "Gotcha!" The boy-turned-serpent yelled. You kept a smile up, but it vanished when you heard your husband's name being called from behind you.
🐍 Loki looked up and put his daughter on the ground next to her brothers. "Let me guess, little old me is up next?" He asked Thor, who was tasked by his father, Odin, to retrieve his cousin. "Yes."
🐍 Thor looked at you and nodded back to you after you motioned for him to take your three kids away. They happily jumped with Thor, on their way to sit with their Grandpa and their Uncle. You then looked at Loki and then down at the ground, asking him if he was sure about doing this. "After all," you added, "Poseidon, Heracles, Hajun, Hades, hell, even Susano'o No Mikoto now... what if you're next?"
🐍 "Love. I know you lost five of the girls, but, believe me when I say this: I will make sure I get back to you, and... hopefully keep whatever Valkyrie chosen alive." He said, his hands holding your face as he stares into your eyes.
🐍 "I'll come back." He said. "I love you."
🐍 You smiled and kissed him, he hummed happily before taking your hand and walking with you back to his room to get ready for his round.
🌩️ Thor cared for your daughters. He was someone you cared for deeply, and, since he wasn't biologically related to them, it comforted you that he still put effort into acting like a father. Your emotions actually came out with him, and it did make your girls proud when you married Thor and not someone like Zeus.
🌩️ You've been married for years, and for those years, he and you parented Móði and Magni, your twin boys. As you raised your two biological children, Brunhilde began to separate herself from you, leaving you feeling a hole again. And, with no other ideas, you tried to connect with her again, only to be shocked when she told you she didn't want contact again.
🌩️ Odin told you it was most likely due to 'teenage-angst', but, after hearing she proposed Ragnarok, you were heartbroken once again. You looked at her, and, when she eyes connected with yours coldly, you leaned your head onto Thor's shoulder.
🌩️ You stayed with Thor the entire time, only being away from him due to the first round. And, after it was over, you tried talking to Brunhilde, only for her to ask if you were happy with yourself.
🌩️ "What are you talking about, Brunhilde?" You replied. "You know what I'm talking about! Your husband! He just killed your own daughter! How can you pick him over us?!"
🌩️ "I'm not picking him over you, 'Hilde! Do I have to spell it out?! I made you all because I wanted you guys! I wanted children to call my own!" She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right. We're nothing but animated clay to you. You were never, and will never be my mother."
🌩️ Your eyes widened in shock as Brunhilde walked away. Shock was all you felt. After everything you gave her; your time, your care, you love, and she just says it was all nothing to you. Your boys just stood beside you, also shocked. You were an excellent mom, they've seen the photos and videos of you raising your girls. Why was she hating you so much?
🌩️ "Fine... have a good rest of the tournament, Brunhilde." You said, walking away with your boys trailing you. Thor, who was watching from behind a nearby pillar, was upset. He saw you care for Brunhilde and your daughters, you just struggled expressing emotions when it comes to loss. How does she not, in her millions of life with you, understand that?
🌩️ "Brunhilde." He said, causing the eldest Valkyrie to turn around and look at her step-father. "What?" She replied. "You've wanted to know why your mother made you, correct?"
🌩️ "Yes."
🌩️ "I think it's time I tell you."
#Record of Ragnarok#RoR#Shuumatsu no Valkyrie#SnV#RoR Greek Pantheon#RoR Norse Pantheon#Record of Ragnarok Gods#RoR Gods#Record of Ragnarok x Reader#RoR x Reader#Shuumatsu no Valkyrie x Reader#SnV x Reader#RoR Greek Pantheon x Reader#RoR Norse Pantheon x Reader#Record of Ragnarok Gods x Reader#RoR Gods x Reader#S/O! Reader#F! Reader#God! Reader#RoR Poseidon#RoR Poseidon x Reader#RoR Hades#RoR Hades x Reader#RoR Loki#RoR Loki x Reader#RoR Thor#RoR Thor x Reader
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"will lokius go canon this season?" thats the not the question here. It's marvel. I know they won't. But i want to see just how close they will get to it. How much will they get away with? How much of the story they want to tell will make it through?
#you don't omit the s*lkie kiss from the s1 recap#and name one of the soundtrack songs “Lokius”#without this mindset#cause of course its Disney#but there are people behind the scenes fighting hard#and I see that#I came from the spn fandom#I was a destiel shipper on the front lines#I know how this works#lokius#loki#loki s2
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-Julio Cortázar, from "Bolero" (trans. John Joseph Lyons)
Loki S2 Anniversary x Episode 2 - “Breaking Brad”
#mobius#loki#lokius#mcuedit#lokiedit#marveledit#taking a deep breath. clenching my fists. I WAS FOLLOWING YOU NO I WAS FOLLOWING YOU 🥺💖#had the most successful day in recent memory so treated myself to the official anniversary rewatch of episode two forever beloved#or episode(s) two that is 😅#and will never be over the emphasis of how their lives have reflected in such a way they can see right through each other#to the point where they're actively willing to challenge everything they know and have boxed themselves into#it's about moving forward where you used to stand still and choosing to stay when it's easier to run away!!#owen wilson#tom hiddleston#marvel#owenwilsonedit#dianagifs#flashing cw
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Lokius moments that altered my brain chemistry [5/?] ↳ in the archives
#lokius#lokiedit#marveledit#mcuedit#loki laufeyson#mobius m mobius#loki disney+#loki series#loki s1ep2 you will always be famous#episode of all time#i will never be over this#forever obsessed with that mobius line delivery#also loki's face and his big shiny eyes s t o p#lokiusmoments#mine: gifs
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Being a shifter is so amazing like I was just gushing to my sister about my s/o and she was like “one day your gonna get over him”
me a shifter knowing that me and him are gonna get married
yeah I’m never getting over him
#shifting blog#shiftblr#I love my pookie sm#just girly things#mcu shifting#shifters#shifting community#shifting s/o#shifting#im just a girl#loki laufeyson#shifting to mcu#avengers shifters#shiftbr#i love him sm
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for me, there are characters who have suffered so much that they either become gentle and take care of their girlfriends as if they were made of porcelain, with vanilla sex, etc…
or they turn that pain into pleasure until you have red marks all over your body and you’re crying for more while they tease you until you’re about to faint.
(i need to sleep…)

#bucky barnes x reader#loki x reader#negan x reader#frank castle x reader#daryl dixon x reader#rafe cameron x reader#jj mayback x reader#tony stark x reader#mark hoffman x reader#leon s. kennedy x reader#carlos oliveria x reader#the walking dead#marvel#negan smith#bucky barnes#loki#jj maybank#rafe cameron#twd#obx#outer banks#punisher#resident evil#fanfic#victoria neuman fanfiction#victoria neuman x reader#the boys#tfatws#saw
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He got offended, lol
#i should just keep reading and see what´s going on...#one piece manga spoilers#elbaf arc#one piece 1138#red haired shanks#figarland shamrock#op loki
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“it’s about who”
continuing my saga of having way too much fun drawing kisses and hands <3
wanted to draw something sweet bc we’ve only got one more episode!! how are we feeling?
#lokius#lokius fanart#loki laufeyson#mobius m mobius#don mobius#loki tv#loki series#loki season 2#loki finale#loki x mobius#my art#THIS WHOLE SEASON HAS BEEN SO SWEET FOR THEM. ASIDE FROM THE HORRORS#and this series has been so fun for me. aside from the horrors (rude s*lki fans)
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Footnote- French & Noa and Loki
Recovery date: July 11th, 2024
So, European French (French spoken in Europe) and Quebecois French (French spoken in Quebec) are a bit different.
Imagine you ask Loki of Noa "Veux-tu un souçon?" which in Quebecois French translates to "do you want a lollipop?", and they turn around with a brow raised in question because what they hear is "do you want a hickey?"
European French= Sucette/lollipop & souçon/hickey Quebecois French= Sucette/hickey & souçon/lollipop
OR, another good one
They say something along the lines of "des adorables gosses", as in "adorable children, but you hear "adorable balls (testicles)"
*this might be a bit inverted, I was trying to remember the story my French teacher (who grew up in France) told us and then fact check it against the internet. Which was hard.
#researcher s's notes#blue lock#blue lock x reader#noel noa#julian loki#noel noa x reader#julian loki x reader#x reader#noel noa & reader#julian loki & reader#reader insert#gender neutral reader
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okay well fine if no-one else is going to do it - I'M inventing a new ship. loki/ravonna. lokonna? frostslayer? lieslayer? still workshopping that.
anyway here's my reasoning:
i would say ravonna is the most loki character in the loki show - specifically, she's a lot like t1 loki. she's intelligent, she's a perfectionist, she's smooth and authoritative, she clearly loves deeply but she can nevertheless be calculating / ruthless / selfish, she's committed to the tva's morals, and when her world starts unravelling, she panics and does terrible things to try and salvage it/cover it up.
all of this makes ravonna an excellent rival/competitor for loki. two cautious, calculating traitors with a ruthless streak and a need for control. tell me you don't want to see them play 4d chess.
loki was a tva prisoner, now ravonna is a tva fugitive. consider the cat-and-mouse detective potential in either direction.
loki's initial scraped-together plan to rise through the ranks and potentially take over the tva would have made him a rival to ravonna - and maybe eventually a usurper she would feel obliged to rebel against.
each of these characters would have killed the other without a second thought when they first met - which adds weight, tension, and potential for tragedy to any future bond they form.
they both fundamentally want somewhere to belong - and they're each part of the reason the other doesn't have that any more.
ravonna, having been so devout, is the most likely of any of the tva staff we know to have a variant monsterhood complex to rival loki's jotun one - and coming to respect/like loki, another variant, could help her process that.
ravonna also thinks of loki as monstrous because of his sacred timeline role as a supervillain. if she went down a darker path for a while, or if she began to recognise that she'd already been on a very dark one, then, again, it could be interesting to see how her understanding of loki and herself developed in light of firsthand experience.
loki (like all variants, but especially loki) is a kind of religious figure to tva staff - specifically a demon. the tva, meanwhile, frame themselves as angels - servants of the divine plan. ravonna as a falling angel, loki as a fallen god... religious guilt, questioning faith, religious schisms and conflict... there are many kinds of potential here.
loki was part of HWR's masterplan as his successor. based on the recordings we heard in 2.01, it seems like the show might be following the comics in having HWR also have a fixation on ravonna (romantic, in her case.) so they have a common enemy-or-potential-ally, and reason for their paths and interests to potentially converge.
ummm idk man i'm not A Shipper by nature so i have a lot to say about general storytelling potential but i really don't know how to get you to see this as specifically romantic. they're both pretty? yeah that'll do. send post
#space viking tag#meta#<- ish?#ch: ravonna#ch: loki#r: loki + ravonna#s: loki#actually i'm maintagging this i have proselytising to do#ravonna renslayer#ravonna lexus renslayer#loki tv#as i said. i'm not much of a shipper. but these guys only have two (2) works on ao3 and i think that's a damn shame.#14 platonic works but it looks like most of them are primarily l*kius and not centred on these two...#i think if loki had his original characterisation rather than the loki show's version this would probably be a lot more obvious an option..
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[Tregear and R/n are testing out her abilities. (Belial's reader gave them a check of what to expect or unexpect.) apparently one of the unexpected abilities was memory reading, R/n saw a few snippets of Tregear's past.]
R/n: I can't believe you stabbed that guy in back!....No, wait, yes I can!
Tregear, offended: I'd never stab anyone in the back! That's such a boring form of betrayal!
R/n: Tregear, I've just saw a mental slide show of almost every notable moment of your entire life. You've literally stabbed people in the back, like, fifty times!
Tregear: Well... I'd never do it again, because it got old! *under his breath* ...Only fifty? I thought it would've been way more than that.
#S: loki#ultraman incorrect quotes#tokusatsu incorrect quotes#tokusatsu#ultraman#ultra series#spark doll au#ultraman tregear#ultraman tregear x reader#afab reader#ambiguously human! reader
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What If Their S/O Died During Ragnarok?
Characters: Thor, Odin, Loki, and Heimdall Inspired By: My wish to write angst A/N: I have nothing to say so read the angst. ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Death, fighting, details in death, murder, and just pure angst no fluff. ⚠️
Disclaimer: F! Reader in Odin's part because of Thor being his son
╚═════ Thor ═════════════════════════════════╝
🌩️ Thor always adored your strength. You weren't as strong as him but you were quite a threat when you needed to be, so when you were called for Ragnarok, he wasn't surprised
🌩️ You stood before the human named Julius Caesar, and if you were being honest, his cunning nature was starting to annoy you even before your fight began, but now that you were far more advanced into it, it was beginning to make your anger come out
"I'm gonna tear your arms off your body and use them to beat you senseless!" You screamed, raising your weapons to strike him down.
"Bring it!" He yelled back.
🌩️ As you swung downwards, the male disappeared, making your eyes widen and you feel a pain hitting your midsection. Staring downwards, a large gladius blade poking through your body
🌩️ The sound of everyone gasping made Thor look up from his hammer in the private room. His eyes locked with the screen and his grip tightened around the handle, launching up from his seat, he began to practically run outside to the ring
🌩️ Thor ran as fast as he could go up the stairs, his sudden stop between you and the former Roman dictator causing a mass amount of sand to fall upon him. He looked back at you and saw how you fell to the ground
"I love you, Thor... after death does us part..."
🌩️ Your body began to shatter as your husband kept his grip on your body, trembling as you died. You, the love of his life, died in his arms
🌩️ He turned around as your green-shattered body began to float away, he then dug his fingers into his weapon, it almost shattering the object he held onto. Thor then looked back at the human, rage in his eyes as he let out a deep warning as thunder wrapped around them all
"You'll pay for this, human."
╚═════ Odin ═════════════════════════════════╝
��� Vlad the Impaler, former Voivode of Wallachia, well-known blood-thirsty monster, and current-opponent against the co-leader of the Norse Pantheon, Goddess of the Afterlife, Y/N stood before one another, weapons drawn as Heimdall yelled for the round to start
🪶 Thor watched as his mother walked to the human, shook his hand, and readied to fight. Normally he would be just as calm as his father, but after the loss of Poseidon in the third round, it was worrying that they could possibly lose another God, specifically his own mother
🪶 Odin, his father and your husband, just sat there with a blank face as saw how your weapons clashed, leaving sparks behind as you danced around him
🪶 During your time ruling over those who have passed on in Valhalla, Hel, Fólkvangr, and Landscape, you would be able to move around their wispy-like forms with ease, as if you were a dancer. And while it was beautiful in those times, right now it was helping you survive
🪶 Odin's eyes narrowed as Vlad lifted his kilij and sent it smashing down onto your own spear, successfully smashing it in half while you flew back and sent attack after attack at the human who tried killing you multiple times
🪶 It only lasted 20 minutes when you knocked Vlad the Impaler down, causing him to cough up blood and see his blade get smashed underneath your foot. While he did have a Völundr, it was of no use, your skill in battle rose far above his own
🪶 Holding your blade to his throat as he pressed against the wall, he took the final attempt at hitting you by throwing his blade at you, though you dodged and allowed it to fly past you. You scoffed and chuckled at the action of the human
"How amusing, even after so long of trying to stay alive you still don't understand that I cannot and will not allow myself to be taken down by a man with longer hair than my nutcase-nephew. Now, accept your fate. Any final words for your fellow parasites?"
"Yes... I made sure I got my final head."
"Y/N, look out!"
🪶 In the matter of a second, time stopped. A large mount of black hair launched in the air with shock while the rest of the beings all froze in fear. It was the leader of the Norse Pantheon, it was Odin who had gone blind in rage so quickly
🪶 Jumping down from his seat, Huginn and Muninn swarmed around your body, now holding a blade within the head and squawked in agony. Loki and Thor stood in complete shock as Odin held his hand up and sent a blast at the human male, killing him slowly and painfully while he picked up your body without any emotion and carried you away
🪶 All Gods watched silently as the humans just looked down or stayed with their eyes glued on the events. The Gods felt ashamed at the loss, yes. But seeing such a kind and loving part of their society fall in such a hurtful manner broke some hearts while Humanity just shook their heads with either shame or pity for the Norse Family
🪶 When Odin fought soon, everyone knew that he wasn't going to go down easy... not after this...
╚═════ Loki ═════════════════════════════════╝
🐍 Loki and you have been amused watching the humans and Gods fight. At first, the fights went by smoothly, the loss of Lü Bu and Adam not fazing either of you, but as the humans began to rise in power, resulting in the loses of Heracles, Poseidon, and Hades, your nerves slightly grew when your name was called
🐍 Walking around the ring amusing yourself was easy, but standing in front of those they called 'History's Greatest Military Mind', did bring your ego down slightly, much to his surprise
🐍 As you clashed in the arena, your husband of many years, Loki, floated around and laughed at the futile attempts against you. It was pointless, with your mindset and similar, to his, abilities, you were practically invincible
🐍 Loki smirked as you fought, ignoring the calls of his Uncle Odin's birds. And while they were annoying, if he had to endure them to see his lovely spouse win, then so be it
🐍 His face only began to darken the Alexander began to advance with his Valkyrie-bond. Now his attacks were starting to land more often, and that was not good at all
🐍 You were a Deity who has fought in many wars, you knew how opponent's thought, but every time you knew what he was going to do, he'd switch it up on the spot. Now you understood his nickname to the fullest
🐍 Loki's eyes narrowed in worry as you lunged forward to stab him in the head, only for him to dodge, go behind you, wrap his legs around your neck, pin you to the ground, and speak his final words to you
"You were an amazing opponent, Deity of Order. And I wish you no pain."
"Why you-"
🐍 Dead silence.
🐍 With one blow, you had died. A stab wound to your heart, causing your once glowing, glimmering eyes to drown in a pool of darkness. Loki watched as your arms slumped down and as Humanity cheered for their heroine
🐍 But what he didn't know is that the Trickster God from the Norse Pantheon was standing right behind him, ready to make him feel the same pain he made his lover feel a couple seconds ago
╚═════ Heimdall ══════════════════════════════╝
📯 He has seen all either fall or stand in this tournament, but there was one that he did not wish to witness end with a Gods' non-victory, and that is Round 5 of Ragnarok, Hannibal Barca vs Norse-Deity of the Sound, Y/N
📯 You two have been together since the very beginning, growing from friends to full-on romance in just a matter of a couple thousand years, which is fast for any average Deity-relationship, which normally appears after around four-times that!
📯 He watched you two look at one another blankly, but he knew how you thought. You were coming up with every angle you could hit this guy and he could go down like a fly, and he hoped those plans worked
📯 Heimdall blew into his horn and the match began, the sound of metal clashing and grunts being all he could hear whilst everyone else conversed and made their own sounds in reaction to everything
📯 You could hear everything better than anyone, and using your daggers, you tossed them in the air before they came flying down, making the loudest screeching anyone could ever hear. After doing this many times and having Hannibal come back with his own attacks unique to himself, which made you smirk and laugh
"If you believe such minor attacks with a Valkyrie could kill me, you're wrong human."
📯 Hannibal smirked and raised his weapon once again for an attack set like a joust. You just scoffed and aimed your sword for his heart, but before you could hit him, a pain was felt the back of your head... a shield had come flying down and smashed your head down
📯 You fell to the ground in pain as he grabbed the shield and hit you once again in your head, making you wail in agony from the pain. Like mentioned earlier, your hearing was exquisite, so having this crashing your head while he hit it with his sword wasn't very nice
📯 He then pierced your head with his sword, causing everyone to freeze slightly. Humanity then broke out into a cheer of celebration while the Gods stood in shock... how did he bring you down in a matter of 32 minutes?! What had he done?!
📯 Nobody was more shocked than Heimdall. He had just witnessed his spouse of over four-thousand years die before him. Everyone knew he wasn't going to speak, so, in an effort to help the man, Zeus came down and yelled out the rounds' results
📯 While Humanity celebrated and the Gods just stayed silent with either rage or pain for you, Zeus looked back at the Norse God and spoke gently as to usher him into a room to relax
"Heimdall, wait for me in the room with a soundwave on it. I'll be there in a little bit and we can speak of this."
📯 Heimdall nodded as he rushed away, tears threatening to spill from his eyes as he ran. Why did you have to die... why did Zeus have to choose you... why was life such a pain...
#Record of Ragnarok#RoR#Shuumatsu no Valkyrie#SnV#RoR Norse Pantheon#Record of Ragnarok Gods#RoR Gods#Record of Ragnarok x Reader#RoR x Reader#Shuumatsu no Valkyrie x Reader#SnV x Reader#RoR Norse Pantheon x Reader#Record of Ragnarok Gods x Reader#RoR Gods x Reader#S/O! Reader#F! Reader#GN! Reader#God! Reader#RoR Thor#RoR Thor x Reader#RoR Odin#RoR Odin x Reader#RoR Loki#RoR Loki x Reader#RoR Heimdall#RoR Heimdall x Reader
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Odin: There’s a thin line between being a genius and being a fucking idiot. Frigg: Loki uses that line as a skipping rope.
#odin#frigg#loki#brotp#norse gods#norse mythology#incorrect norse gods#incorrect norse mythology#incorrect mythology#mythology#s: tumblr#queuetzalcoatl
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rereading book 2 has been so much fun tbh
#dream art#feh#fire emblem heroes#fire emblem#s support#feheroes#summoner oc#kiralfonse#loki fire emblem#celestefonse#sunflower sheep
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